For over two years, a devastating war ravaged Tigray and neighbouring regions of Afar and Amhara, fuelled by the pursuit of independence from the government in Addis Ababa. The toll was staggering, with an estimated 600,000 lives lost, yet the Western world remained largely unaware of this tragedy. The crisis region was tightly sealed off, impeding much-needed aid shipments to reach those in desperate need. Hunger claimed many lives as conflict prevented the cultivation of fields.
Approximately two million people sought refuge, finding temporary shelter in IDP (Internal Displaced Persons) camps encircling the conflict zone. Though these camps provided a roof over their heads, the conditions were far from ideal. NGOs stepped in to offer medical care, but the hygienic standards were often inadequate. Additionally, the aftermath of malnutrition haunted many survivors.
I was tasked with documenting the efforts of humedica NGO in providing healthcare within these IDP camps through mobile health posts. Their mission extended to the restoration of healthcare services in regional medical clinics that had been either abandoned or destroyed during the war. This narrative sheds light on the resilience of those affected and the crucial role played by humanitarian organisations in rebuilding shattered communities.
Approximately two million people sought refuge, finding temporary shelter in IDP (Internal Displaced Persons) camps encircling the conflict zone. Though these camps provided a roof over their heads, the conditions were far from ideal. NGOs stepped in to offer medical care, but the hygienic standards were often inadequate. Additionally, the aftermath of malnutrition haunted many survivors.
I was tasked with documenting the efforts of humedica NGO in providing healthcare within these IDP camps through mobile health posts. Their mission extended to the restoration of healthcare services in regional medical clinics that had been either abandoned or destroyed during the war. This narrative sheds light on the resilience of those affected and the crucial role played by humanitarian organisations in rebuilding shattered communities.